On Cherry-Picking Jesus
Exploring the inconsistency of "loving Jesus and His teachings" but not believing in everything else about Him
Can someone love Jesus and His teachings but reject everything else about Him? Some people seem to think so.
Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal, creators of Good Mythical Morning, were recent guests on Rainn Wilson’s “Soul Boom” podcast where they briefly discussed details surrounding their respective deconstructions from the evangelical Christian faith.1
Wilson, who is best known as playing Dwight Schrute on “The Office”, fired off the deconstruction conversation because he thought, from the videos he had watched about them, that they still considered themselves Christians. He was surprised to learn they do not. Wilson asked if it were possible to love Jesus but reject other evangelical Protestant teachings. “I saw [your videos] more as a repudiation of certain aspects of evangelical Christianity; but could not being a Christian [also] have a love and belief in Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible, and be in alignment with maybe other aspects of Protestantism?”
“If we’re talking about subscriptions to the teachings of Jesus, then I’m a Christian,” Rhett responded. “But because being a Christian meant something very specific to us and what we considered Christian was someone who had specific faith in the person of Jesus as the offering for our sins, right? God in the flesh who sacrificed Himself so that we could have a reconciliation of our relationship with God — that’s what a Christian was and I think that in many ways it’s still kind of what a Christian is to most people.”
Rhett understands this (and I’m sure Link does, too). Classifying yourself as a Christian is far more than merely loving and appreciating Jesus’s teachings (setting aside for a moment all of Jesus’s claims about Himself). Per Rhett’s last sentence, yes, that is precisely what a Christian is. Many profess to be Christians merely because they are attracted to the mainstream teachings like the golden rule, turning the other cheek, the Good Samaritan, and so on.
But therein lies the problem. That’s not what Christianity is (but it’s certainly not less than that). The Christian faith hinges on the person and work of Jesus Christ. If someone says they love Jesus and His teachings but rejects His claims of divinity, sinless life, His substitutionary death, victorious resurrection, and high priestly work, then that person, by definition, is not a Christian. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. Or: that love for Jesus doesn’t make any sense.
I want to be charitable, though. I know Rhett and Link know this—they were involved in mainstream evangelical culture for decades, so I don’t want to act as if it they are ignorant. You can tell he understands that when explaining that being a Christian meant more about having a specific faith in Jesus as substitute. Bingo. The problem I see, though, is not understanding the jump people make when they flat out reject the atonement, for example, but continue to say Jesus said good things every now and then. It’s the age-old problem of believing Jesus was only a good teacher. Jesus doesn’t allow that. He forced everyone to take a side. There’s no mushy middle; there’s no neutrality. You’re either for Jesus or against Him. You’re either His friend or His enemy. You either love Him or hate Him. Jesus’s work on earth was far more than some sayings that get universal acceptance. You can’t be on the fence about Jesus.
For example, Wilson is of the Baha’i faith; but he specifically said he considers himself a Christian, too, because he likes some of Jesus’s teachings. I’m sorry, Rainn, but your love and infatuation with Jesus doesn’t make any sense in light of all of what Jesus said (not just the stuff you like).
Perhaps I’m beating a dead horse, but I felt compelled to write about this video because it’s eerily too similar to the attitude of many people: they like what Jesus taught, but get out of here with the God nonsense.
My point is to help people understand that this position doesn’t make any sense. Can someone love Jesus’s teaching on loving your enemies and reject His atonement? Sure, but it’s entirely inconsistent. When push comes to show, one’s real opinion of Jesus comes out. Being infatuated with Jesus’s teachings won’t save anyone from their sins. Liking what Jesus said about turning the other cheek but not believing in His work won’t remove the wrath of God from anyone’s head.
As I said above, our faith hinges on the person and work of Jesus Christ. If all Jesus did was say a couple insightful things about humanity, we’d all still be in our sins headed for Hell — and rightfully so. But, of course, Jesus did far more than that. Bloodied, stricken, afflicted, He became like a sheep headed to the slaughter, absorbing blow after blow, bruise after bruise—to the point of death on a cross—all for the sake of the elect of God.
Jesus obeyed every jot and tittle of God’s righteous law. He died in the place of sinners. And not only did He die, but took on the full wrath of God the Father on behalf of all those who would believe. Then, He rose again on the third day to vindicate Himself and all that He did and said on earth.
That is the Jesus you must love in order for it to make sense. There’s no cherry-picking Jesus. You either love all of Jesus or you don’t love Him at all.